
  •  Business
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  • Environment

To decrease continuously increasing environmental pollution materials and the origins of environmental pollution fundamentally,

we are supplying pre preventive pollution managing solutions by developing business environment, using raw materials that can make so small environment pollution the savings of resource and the promotion of recycling.

The atmosphere

We have a meaning that the saving of environmental pollution through the managing of maximum disposal efficient equipment of the prevention facilities so that it is fit for the atmosphere pollution outlet permission standard at the same time and in the atmosphere pollution material's managing method emissions from each of production process and the atmosphere pollution outlet facilities and the atmosphere pollution outlet facilities, the improvement of labor environment through the proper design of atmosphere pollution prevention facilities, making, installation, and also the minimum of risk to influenced on the laborer.

Water quality

We are applying it to the septic tank, livestock industry waste landfill, slaughterhouse and waste oil business through the product that is proved on good skills in bad smell elimination, by doing organism biodegrade that is not microorganism but is environment friendly by doing organism biodegrade that is not microorganism but is environment friendly complex enzyme, catalyst role, and dismantling waste water.

On now, we are supplying it in the 6-incineration plant of domestic.